普通型-左 普通型-右 纤巧型-左 纤巧型-右
1933 Patent Pending
1937 Patent 2032695
1942-1946 Black Crackle, Patent 203695
(This number was stamped in error, it should have been Patent 2032695.)
年份 普通型和纤巧型—左 普通型和纤巧型—右
1986 G to L II
1987 A to L III
1988 A to L IV
1989 A to L V
1990 A to L VI
1991 A to L VII
1992 A to L VIII
1993 A to L IX
1994 A to L X
1995 A to L XI
1996 A to L XII
1997 A to L XIII
1998 A to L XIV
1999 A to L XV
2000 A to L 2000XVI
自2001年起,产品的制造年月以更简单的密码识别。左边仍然以英文字母代表月份,而右边则以阿拉伯数字对应制造年份。 年份
普通型和纤巧型—左 普通型和纤巧型—右
2001 A to L 01
2002 A to L 02
2003 A to L 03
2004 A to L 04
2005 A to L 05
2006 A to L 06
2007 A to L 07
2008 A to L 08
2009 A to L 09
2010 A to L 10