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发表于 2017-10-29 19:42:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 krause 于 2017-10-29 19:53 编辑

Chase Brass is a leading manufacturer of brass rod, ingot and engineered products in the U.S. Located in Montpelier, Ohio, Chase employs over 200 hourly employees who are represented by the United Steelworkers Union (USW) Local 7248, and 98 salaried employees.
Founded in 1876, in Waterbury, Connecticut, it was one of the brass manufacturers that contributed to Waterbury's nickname "The Brass City". One of the largest brassworks in Waterbury, Chase left the city in 1975.

The company was incorporated in 1876, with Henry Sabin Chase as its founder and first President.
Casting a billet from an electric furnace, Chase Brass and Copper Co., Euclid, Ohio.
Casting a billet from an electric furnace, Chase Brass and Copper Co., Euclid, Ohio, 1942
In 1929 the company built its first midwestern plant, in Euclid, Ohio. That same year Chase became a subsidiary of Kennecott Utah Copper, which was the largest producer of copper in the U.S., and Ten East 40th St, New York City, the Chase Tower, was finished and named after its first tenant, Chase Brass and Copper. It is now known as the Mercantile Building.

Standard Oil of Ohio (now BP America) acquired Kennecott in 1981 and thus acquired Chase. In 1988, the sheet division was sold to 500 employees of the company through an employee stock ownership plan; the new firm was named North Coast Brass & Copper Co. Only 40 Chase employees were left in the Cleveland area, at its Solon headquarters, though the firm still had two other divisions, in Montpelier, OH, and Shelby, NC.


In 1997, the board of directors and shareholders of Chase Brass Industries, Inc. legally changed its name to Chase Industries Inc. The Company's New York Stock Exchange symbol remained "CSI."  In 2000, Chase joined a consortium of specialty metal producers, the MetalSpectrum Partnership, to market metals on-line.
As of 2001, Court Square Capital, an affiliate of Citicorp Venture Capital and the Chase Acquisition Corporation, owned 47 percent of Chase's stock, and sales totaled $232 million. In 2002 Olin Corporation purchased Chase Brass and Copper Co.[8] Five years later, private equity fund KPS Capital Partners LP subsidiary Global Brass and Copper Holdings, Inc. ("GBC") acquired Olin's worldwide metals business, including Chase Brass, and now markets products under that name.[9] GBC is publicly traded on the NYSE under BRSS. Chase Brass acquires a license agreement with Sambo Copper Alloy Co., Ltd (now known as Mitsubishi Shindoh, LTD) to sell ECO BRASS C693 and C87850 exclusively in North America. ECO BRASS no-lead properties meet Federal and State lead regulations. Chase Brass sublicensed California Metal-X and Ingot Metal Company Limited to produce and sell ECO BRASS C87850. 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of Chase Brass, Montpelier, Ohio location. This location was opened in 1965 and manufactured one alloy, C360. As of 2016, Chase Brass, Montpelier, produces C360, C377, C345, C350, C353, C370, C363, C27450, ECO BRASS C693, ECO BRASS C87850, ECO BRONZE C87850 and engineered products. ref: chasebrass.com.


发表于 2017-10-29 19:51:20 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-10-29 19:55:26 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-10-29 20:00:27 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-10-29 20:10:54 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-10-29 20:14:48 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-10-29 20:15:58 | 显示全部楼层
好机子    原汁原味的英文 ~

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发表于 2017-10-29 20:17:43 | 显示全部楼层
Chase Brass是美国黄铜棒,锭和工程产品的领先制造商。位于俄亥俄州蒙彼利埃,Chase拥有超过200名小时工,由联合钢铁工人联合会(USW)7248名员工和98名受薪员工代表。成立于1876年,在康涅狄格州沃特伯里,这是为沃特伯里昵称“黄铜城”贡献的黄铜制造商之一。大卫在沃特伯里最大的一个酿酒厂之一,1975年离开了这个城市。

从俄亥俄州欧几里得的Chase Brass和Copper Co.电炉中铸造钢坯。

1997年,Chase Brass Industries,Inc.的董事会和股东合法更名为Chase Industries Inc.。该公司的纽约证券交易所标志仍然是“CSI”。2000年,Chase加入了一个专业金属生产商MetalSpectrum Partnership,以在线销售金属。0 s,{5 X%r%]; G; ķ
截至2001年,Citicorp Venture Capital的附属公司Court Square Capital和Chase Acquisition Corporation占有Chase股份的47%,销售额达2.32亿美元。2002年,奥林公司收购了大通黄铜公司[8] 五年后,私募股权基金KPS Capital Partners LP子公司Global Brass和Copper Holdings,Inc.(“GBC”)收购了Olin的全球金属业务,包括Chase Brass,现在以此名称销售产品。[9] GBC在BRSS上在纽约证券交易所上市。Chase Brass与三宝铜合金有限公司(现称三菱信德有限公司)取得许可协议,在北美销售ECO BRASS C693和C87850。ECO BRASS无铅产品符合联邦和州的铅规。大通黄铜分许可加州金属X和锭金属有限公司生产和销售ECO BRASS C87850。2015年是俄亥俄州蒙彼利埃的大通黄铜公司成立50周年。该地点于1965年开业,制造了一种合金C360。截至2016年,Montpelier的Chase Brass生产C360,C377,C345,C350,C353,C370,C363,C27450,ECO BRASS C693,ECO BRASS C87850,ECO BRONZE C87850和工程产品。参考:chasebrass.com。
从1927年俄亥俄州欧几里得的电炉Chase Brass和Copper Co.铸造一个钢坯1929年,该公司在俄亥俄州欧几里德成立了第一家中西部工厂。同年,Chase成为Kennecott犹他州铜业公司的子公司,该公司是美国最大的铜生产商,纽约市第十大东部第四大道Chase Tower以其第一个租户Chase Brass和Copper 。它现在被称为商业大厦。



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发表于 2017-10-29 20:18:32 | 显示全部楼层
人头马  开~开~开玩笑

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