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发表于 2005-02-17 21:14:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- e& P1 p3 p8 O$ M- q1 }& Mby Cherno
/ u3 I0 K$ O  {, P* U9 G, }% Q0 M2 g4 j6 q" J
这是lightertricks.com于2004年11月1日的一篇文章的标题。内容是什么? fogsnow230斑竹发过了,呵呵,我不自量力的来补充下。1 o  e  M" n. V- \

8 O* `4 a1 ?8 _, ?' A8 O# U0 m呵呵~~~先来说说背景
6 M$ _( G6 v6 ^& r
! ~( l" @2 z+ l! G7 czippotricks.com本来是美国也许是世界上最非法文字的tricks网站,也是Zippo公司直接支持的。 后来由于美国国家消防协会(NFPA)的干涉,Zippo先是撤下了Zippotricks上面的广告,最后被迫关闭了这个网站。当然此举令全世界tricks迷非常愤怒,招来骂声一片。当年网上的臭骂的帖子无数,大家想学英语骂人的) _9 ^) I# L9 y9 n7 r% M8 T( L! t4 z
% o$ ~+ H8 ^& r4 R9 z, L
单词可以去搜索一下,可以说是骂人单词百科全书,哈哈& e  p. J7 J: E8 k

/ Y6 d) T& S1 \( V% h8 ?/ b* {然后呢?轮到lightertricks.com出场了,zippotricks.com的创始人Morten当然不会就此干休,他没多久就创立了lightertricks.com。还是关于Zippo的Tricks,收藏,购买的~ 这个网站在美国和欧洲仍然是属于被封锁ip的,嘿嘿~ 就像咱们这封锁XXX网站一样。还好我们在中国,不用去找什么代理之类,直接上就可以了,哈哈~ 没想到这种事情我们还可以牛X一次。# {$ A* X! c; W  i

8 x4 N( d" {: ?, l6 v好,回到主题!下面是文章的翻译。
( I; Z2 V$ v6 g标题:迎接来自中国的入侵6 _4 |$ D8 t$ S3 n" t% C9 ~
[2004年11月1日] 今天我们发出了两个TrickHead月度大奖。一个是10月份的,另外一个是姗姗来迟的六月大奖。这两个奖项得主比较特殊。他们都在近期送来了大量的Tricks,都是顶尖高手并且他们都是中国人!向两位得主Alas_Alack和yy_leon脱帽致敬!0 b1 l1 f1 ~. }1 z0 N/ }8 n
点击察看六月最佳tricks:http://www.lightertricks.com/Video/arrow.wmv; R1 {2 g- M* j" g' K" B
点击察看十月最佳tricks:http://lightertricks.com/Video/rotationalufo.wmv. p- H% N9 Z/ C0 T: n; v

0 J/ h$ J- u% |3 D' O7 H原文:
2 S/ E1 n: P- a4 B6 H7 l9 Q$ L( {5 e2 @. i' `  A
Get ready for the Chinese invasion!2 E% O, E* k) D5 L" ~( P; V$ D! P
[01.11.04] We are giving out two TrickHead of the month" awards today. One for last month, and finally - way overdue - the June award. The winners have in fact several things in common. Both are responsible for an avalanche of tricks sent in just recently. Both are higly taltented and finally they are both Chinese. Hats off to Alas_Alack and yy_leon!
) Z6 J9 L+ t, e& t$ P" nCheck out best trick of June:http://www.lightertricks.com/Video/arrow.wmv% R) p) h* Q0 E) Q, g8 G/ ^! j
Check out best trick of October:http://lightertricks.com/Video/rotationalufo.wmv8 D! t& l1 _( N4 N" J5 l" a) V
2 h1 C5 [0 i3 Y! u, l' w
- `+ v, h7 }* L5 G1 r$ [# R7 {" F6 r
0 k4 O" J. W% k1 J+ q. UArrow From the Dark (Alas_Alack)
& r! G; T' W! r六月总共有55个trciks提交,其中40个入围。在众多入围者中,Alas_Alack令人吃惊的被选为了优胜者。选出哪个trick为优胜者呢?如果你看完了Alas_Alack六月份提交的一系列作品,你会发现Alas是一位极其有才能的trick玩家。他能做出一些令人惊异的组合,而他对时尚的洞察力也为他的表演增色不少。我最喜爱的是他的Arrow From the Dark"。这个trick在Alas的作品中并不是最难的一个,但是我认为这是一个独具魅力的作品,所以我不得不把它单独拿出来。ALas让Zippo平衡在他的食指中指和无名指之间并变换出一个直立位置的这一系列动作是我的绝对最爱,它是那样新鲜和不同寻常。
+ a" z8 u' j9 s, D  J& M5 O3 ~4 E/ V
, B  I& L2 o: T0 Z- @+ y; T7 G: }5 Q" |- ]( [4 _: Q
Trick of the Month -June 2004:
5 L. J, Z/ E$ iArrow From the Dark (Alas_Alack); M- _8 r/ c$ r3 s$ Y* N6 H* f/ |
With a staggering 40 qualified tricks of a total of 55 published tricks in June, it shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone that Alas_Alack would be picked as the winner. The big question however was for which trick? If you look through Alas_Alack's June collection it should be evident to anyone that "Alas" is an extremely talented tricker. He got some amazing combinations and a sense of style which adds class to his work. My absolute favorite was "Arrow From the Dark". It is not the most difficult of "Alas'" tricks, but in my opinion it got the unique character necessary to make it stand out. The sequence of the trick where "Alas" makes the lighter come to an upright position where the case of the lighter is balanced between the tips of his index-, middle- and ring finger is my absolute favorite. It is so unusual and % |6 W: g" Y! a) Z- Q7 {) @
% T8 z) s4 x7 X- t( I6 x
8 J( c( O( \1 b( n" Y$ |+ o7 W) y
8 C; R' v2 a& u! V% N
关于十月最佳yy_leon的文章:$ U4 r1 B, w6 N; D' l0 ~! t. \
Rotational UFO (yy_leon); y* K% X8 U( p1 r% S* Z, z% Q
, O: A& \" k" E' G- _& J5 o: h由于yy_leon提交了大量作品并入围,所有其他的tricks都被挤出了10月。所以在10月,我们的问题不是谁会赢,而仅仅是yy_leon的哪一个作品会被选中而已,:_). j" g4 |+ E& p* b- s# j
"Rotational UFO"是我心目中的最佳。这个trick是技巧和技术的结合,结果是迷人中带着古怪(翻译的·#¥·%!~我都不知道在说什么)。这个trick的原则是简单,但是为了能达到这样的流畅程度,关键就是熟练。你的机敏和协调能力,使这个trick达到了完美的境界。7 a9 K+ s& M% ]! T
. P- s3 B- V1 D
原文:: F8 p+ }  y, l& N7 W/ u

2 C( I  K. [6 N. }! o: ATrick of the Month - October 2004:6 u  D( Z% O% s) ?2 e8 w
Rotational UFO (yy_leon). C7 e& q. y9 B/ N: l* b/ a
This month we introduced a new approach. Instead of publishing a months worth of qualified tricks in one go we now publish one trick each day. To get the new system going we took all the qualified tricks sent in prior to the publish date and performed a little lottery picking the qualified tricks that would be presented in October.
( G7 w3 g1 J% [' J& y" p5 b( pDue to the massive collection of tricks submitted by yy_leon all the presented tricks in October turned out to be his. So for October the question was not who would win, but which trick of yy_leon would be picked. "Rotational UFO" is in my opinion a worthy winner. The trick is a merger between gimmickry and a technical practice routine. The result is slightly odd in an intriguing sort of way. The principle of the trick is simple, but in order to get a nice fluent motion going, practice is the keyword. In order to bone up on your dexterity and sense of coordination, this trick is a is perfect
: Y/ `7 b$ k' }$ B& w9 V
发表于 2005-02-17 21:37:04 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-02-18 17:07:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-05-17 13:19:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-05-17 14:27:10 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2005-05-17 19:06:37 | 显示全部楼层
ding ding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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发表于 2005-05-17 20:39:01 | 显示全部楼层

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