楼主 |
发表于 2009-02-18 22:29:31
不知该怎样来介绍这款机子。一是春节贴中曾贴过这款机子,二是这款机子的主人公尽然在MZ的作品中如此频繁的出现,这不禁让我想起上贴中的那篇博客文章。就是米开朗基罗, Michelangelo。先看机子:
关于大卫不想再过多解释,这个雕塑作品在春节帖中应该很是详细了。这款The Mazzi Roseart Table Lighter也是一款拍卖品,发行数量不详,莫非也仅仅一只么。最终来自美国佛罗里达州的Lynn Wycoff 以1250美元的价格拍得。
Great Ages of Man
Roseart’s ™
Renaissance Artist Series with Paintings by
Maestro D'Arte Claudio Mazzi
Michelangelo 1475 – 1564
This first one of one collectors Roseart Marble table lighter (Verdi Antique) with genuine world famous Zippo insert is appropriately a true work of art. The self portrait in chalk of Michelangelo with his most familiar masterpiece, His David, was commissioned by the Republic of Florence in 1501. The David that became the symbol of the city, Michelangelo received four hundred ducats for this work, and finished it in 18 months at the age of twenty six. The Creation of Man Fresco on the ceiling of a private chapel (Sistine Chapel) in the Vatican Palace commissioned in 1505 by Pope Julius II was unveiled in 1512. “The Pope is well satisfied” he wrote his father. “I have finished the Chapel which I was painting.” This masterpiece quickly established Michelangelo as the genius of the age. Roseart™ is extremely proud and honored by our association with Maestro Mazzi and also with this first painting in “The Great Ages of Man” collector’s series. The execution of this work is of remarkable excellence. ”
[ 本帖最后由 四军章 于 2009-2-19 08:19 编辑 ] |